Thursday, 11 September 2014

Bethel suddenly pointed us in a new direction!!

Hi all followers of our blog around the world :)
We have suddenly been reassigned by the Bethel in a surprise move ... another direction completely.  "The scene of the world is changing" and we have now been asked & assigned to serve in another country instead!!!
Our choices given were Panama City or Costa Rica... and we decided to go to Costa Rica.
We spent this week handing over our Bible studies to local brothers who will take over and continue to teach them. 
We are currently packing our bags and we will leave 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to serve in another place where the need is great.
We are going to a small place in the southern parts of Costa Rica. But it's much bigger than Totogalpa though ... around 40000 inhabitants instead of a couple of thousands like here.... AND to my utter delight they might even have some public WIFI spots in a few places there too.... so back to civilization again we hope LOL !!!
However we have VERY divided feelings about the whole thing... we are really excited to go to a new place.... but we are also very sad to leave all new people we met behind.... Especially Las Cruces and Salamasi where we now are somewhat of local celebrities.... its not often foreigners like us set their fot in places like that.  Many there now know us by name and love to run up and talk to us every time we show up :)
We will close this blog and open another blog instead, one that is dedicated to Costa Rica.... After all, it's kind of silly to have a blog named Nicaragua when we will be living and serving in a completely different country.

To follow us from now onwards please go to our new blog instead using the link below....

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Why is it goodbye? ?

So why is it goodbye to all these nice people then?
Official change of direction very shortly... stay put for major update on this blog any day now ;)

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Monday, 8 September 2014

We just had to laugh at it.

Going home to Totogalpa from Ocotal today. It was VERY heavy rain and we stood at the taxi rank waiting for aaaages and we actually thought we missed the last one.
Then suddenly at the last minute one shows up. ... completely full.

But "full" in Europe is not the same as "full" in Nicaragua so we both squeezed up in the front-seat and we are thus now 7 in a car that seems made for 3.5 people only.
As well... It's a TINY (leathal) extremely old car... a wreck. .. a Kia that seems 40 years old.
Nothing works inside or outside except for the radio that was on full blast.... could not help laughing at the whole thing and had to take a snap of us laughing away in the front-seat.... very dark outside at the time so only our teeth are visible here ;)

Once home in Totogalpa Mily went to her favourite banana-selling-guy in town since we had not eaten anything all day.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Today's cleaning

Some snaps from today's cleaning in the Kingdom Hall

Lots of sisters

Lots of sisters out in the ministry today. Here are a few of them analysing what needs doing around the territory.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Typical day in this place

Typical house in a typical area where we preach, seen from the outside.

Inside the house; after our bible study.... The neighbours stormed the house to join in viewing the videos we downloaded to Mily's tab.

Guess it's "this week's cinema experience" for them since many don't own a TV.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Another plunge

Another plunge into the deep water, I'm taking another 10 minute item in the service meeting today :-0

Thankfully Mily is good on the Spanish grammar so it's teamwork all way.

Mily will have her first demonstration as well in Spanish. 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Met a slightly crazy lad

Met a slightly crazy guy in the ministry today: and I just had to ask him to pose for a photo.
He is a bullfighter and had his top arm muscle ripped off by a bull 2 months ago.
It's still healing and he is fortunate to still have movement.

When I asked him if he will do it again he looked at ME as if I was the crazy one and said..... "si por supuesto" (yes of course)

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Time to pay the bills

Bill payment today... both electric and water but it's SOOO complicated we had to go to the office for clarification.

The first thing that hit me here is how do they do CTRL + F ????

Note,  no computers on the desk. ... all office work here is done "old style".  Using papers, pens, stamps etc.... the 21st century is not here yet ;)