Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Great colleagues

I had some great colleagues at work who took me by complete surprise ... dragging me into the kitchen to have coffee & chocolate cakes during my last  afternoon. 
Note the "adios amigo" written on the cakes :)

What a strange coincidence

This happened just as we are about to leave....
I guess they need now a pair of extra hands now to rebuild Kingdom Halls + local houses etc...  we better get our boots + hardhats on now to start building....

Wow, this was a great present from work

Got this game from my boss at work, fantastic since it is not limited to one language only... we can use English AND/OR Spanish!
This will come in handy a story generator, providing hours of play in any language..... roll the cubes and let the pictures spark imagination...... I like this already even though I have not opened the box yet.
The kids in Nicaragua will love this :)

Monday, 28 April 2014

Closer.... Closer...

This is my last week at work. Soon we are off on the journey :)

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Counting the days..

Only around 1.5 weeks to go now.... but still PLENTY to do for our trip.
Since I am working Mily is doing most of the hard work and organizing .....
She is a good woman doing a good job ;)

Friday, 18 April 2014

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Started ...

Started the rice and bean diet here in uk already. 
We have been told there will be a lot of that once we arrive in Nicaragua. 
Especially for us vegetarians. 

Monday, 7 April 2014

Crazy much to do....

Hmmm... we are organizing ourselves before leaving but it proves to be hard work.
Yes, they say moving houses is one of the more stressful things in life, but they have seen nothing yet if that is the case..... moving countries is truly hard work.
Admittedly we have moved between countries several times in the past... but for some reason it is just so much harder and more stressful this time around.
Is someone behind the scene trying to prevent us going?
If that is the case this one is bound to fail.. we got a stronger force on our side.
