Monday, 7 April 2014

Crazy much to do....

Hmmm... we are organizing ourselves before leaving but it proves to be hard work.
Yes, they say moving houses is one of the more stressful things in life, but they have seen nothing yet if that is the case..... moving countries is truly hard work.
Admittedly we have moved between countries several times in the past... but for some reason it is just so much harder and more stressful this time around.
Is someone behind the scene trying to prevent us going?
If that is the case this one is bound to fail.. we got a stronger force on our side.


1 comment:

  1. Hello-- My wife and I are retired and thinking of a move to Nicaragua to pioneer. We want to make contact with a brother or sister who can explain a bit about the work and the country. We have been to Costa Rica on a few occasions but have never been to Nicaragua. If you can help I can be contacted at surestep.sroy at
    Thanks much, Sam
